Looking back at history, it is clear that Europeans have shown a pattern of destructive behavior on a massive scale. This is evident in the devastating impact they have had on Indigenous communities, cultures, and lands. The concept of manifest destiny, rooted in Indo-European symbolism, has been particularly harmful. This ideology holds that Europeans have a divine right to expand their territory. It ignores the rights and existence of others.
For instance, the colonization of the Americas is a stark example of this destructive force. European powers, feeling superior, sought to "civilize" the land. They ravaged Indigenous peoples, stole their resources, and erased their cultures. This trauma still resonates today. Many Indigenous communities face ongoing marginalization and exploitation.
Moreover, this European-driven destruction has not only harmed Indigenous peoples but also the planet as a whole. Manifest destiny's unchecked exploitation of natural resources has degraded the environment. This toxic worldview has caused, among other things, climate change, deforestation, and extinctions.
Europeans' harm didn't stop in the past. Today, people still fight for their rights from a system that entitles such behavior. People lose their homes, land, and often their lives. The face of climate change is the result of European ideologies, whose destruction comes from a harmful way of thinking. To build a moral, well-mannered, and sustainable future, we must understand the root causes of destructive behavior. We must overcome the roots of destructive behavior. We must honor individual freedoms. We must safeguard our existence.